Here are some things that Jeff Ogden is thankful for today. and every day.

  1. To be the father of 3 wonderful boys that I love dearly. See photo.
    Jeff's_boys_in_FL_1-10-15_(11) - Copy
  2. To have a degree in Marketing from the University of Notre Dame. God, Country, Notre Dame. Go Irish!
  3. To have my mother and stepfather nearby.
  4. To be alive and glad of that fact.

I’m alive today thanks in no small part because of the book my oldest son gave me “Never Give Up” by Tedy Bruski. I read that book and thought “If Tedy can do that, I can too.”  This was after my nasty fall and near death on April 1. 2014.

Worked my ass of in physical therapy, such as the famous stair story, where I walked up 6 steps and was out of breath. “Great job, Jeff.”  99% of people would have said “Thanks.” but I said “Thanks, but tomorrow I’m going up twice. The next day three times, then four, then five.” It was hard work, but I went up those stairs 12 times without stopping.

That became a story on on the Importance of Attitude which was also in Notre Dame magazine, which wrote “You are an inspiration to use all. You rock, Jeff!” Thank you so much.

Tedy and my son saved my life and it is Black History Month so remember Dr. Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglas and every African American out there.

As I say, there’s no white or black. We are all human beings regardless of the color of our skin.

My Passat does have a kick-ass stereo and every time Sister Golden Hair comes on the radio, tears stream down my cheeks, because I took my ex-wife Kathy to an America concert in New York City.

Have a wonderful week  everyone!  It’s simply good to be alive and to be slim single man and a father today.

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