The 140 Conference on Long Island

Jeff Ogden
Jeff Ogden

I’m one of the featured speakers at this social media conference today. My featured talk is at 12:45pm. I’d love to see you there.

Here is the full list of speakers.

“Passionate” “Informative” “Personal” “Inspirational” “Fast-Paced” “Unpredictable”

The world has changed, is changing right now, and you know it; it’s exciting and terrifying all at once. The 140 Characters Conference is your opportunity to learn what this change in the world is, how it affects us here in Long Island and how it affects your life and your business personally. When you leave this conference you will walk away with real answers.

The #140conf events provide a platform for a worldwide community to: listen, connect, share and engage with each other, while collectively exploring the effects of the emerging real-time Internet on business. On Thursday May 26th 2011, Long Islanders become an important part of that community.

The schedule is unique and fast paced. We will provide a platform for as many people as possible to share their thoughts and engage in conversation with the audience. Individual talks are 5 minutes, “Featured talks” are 10-15 minutes and Panel Discussions are 10-15 minutes.

Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is President of the B2B lead generation consultancy, Find New Customers.

We help companies with between 150 and 5,000 employees who sell complex products to businesses to implement world-class lead generation programs. As companies struggle to create quality sales opportunities, they turn to lead generation companies like Find New Customers.

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