Meet Your New Chief Marketing Officer, Jeff Ogden

Jeff Ogden, President of Find New Customers is an award-winningMarketing Award marketing expert (see this award which was given to me by @fionavesey and appeared in BrandQuarterly magazine, which she edits) Thank you, Fiona.

I was once interested in finding a Chief Marketing Officer job, but not any more.

I created a SlideShare presentation to find a job and my son said “Dad, I can do a much better video for you.”  He certainly did, as you can see here:

Even though my son did a great job on this video, I’ve pretty much given up looking for a top marketing job, because even a great video almost never works, even if you have a kick-ass resume like I do.

If it doesn’t work, why keep trying? As I thought in the hospital, “Why depend on someone helping you? Take control yourself.” and that is what I am doing.

However, if this great video by my son creates some interest for a company looking for a Chief Marketing Officer, then great! Shoot an email to Jeff.Ogden at

Why keep trying when nothing works?

I have won many marketing awards like the one at the top of this post and I’m nationally known because of Marketing Made Simple TV, but so what?

How nationally known am I?

I just got an awesome New Year’s card from Laura Patterson of VisionEdge Marketing, a dear friend of mine and upcoming speaker for the Business Marketing Association of Tampa Bay, which I started. (Check out my LinkedIn profile at the top right, where I have about 2,800 followers.)

Marketing Made Simple TV is the awesome TV show I created and hosted before my nasty fall and divorce ended it and I moved down to Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida. The show no longer is being recorded but all the shows still live on Youtube.Marketing Made Simple TV

I’m happy to be aligned now with great business partners such as Likeable Local, which is Social Media Marketing software to make YOU more successful  and the St Petersburg Chamber of Commerce to meet local business leaders too. (My favorite marketing word is YOU too.)

Find New Customers has hopes in  a bright future in 2015, as we crank up these new business partners in the coming weeks, like the webinar with Likeable Local for dentists and chiropractors – coming on January 27th. Stay tuned.

However, the show did have awesome guests, which will be handy when we launch the Business Marketing Association of Tampa Bay soon because I know tons of great marketing experts who will be great speakers. We have a conference call later this week to get started.

Keynote speaking is also a big goal in 2015 and I already have a keynote speaking page on Find New Customers and I am a speaker for Vistage Florida.

But we’re going to shoot a video with presentation expert, Bob Turel soon to improve this page and to make it much more compelling with a new video. Stay tuned.

My son Kevin, who’s a student in college at SUNY New Paltz, did a kick-ass job on this video and I really appreciate his help with this. Thank you, Kevin! I love my kids with all my heart like every dad does.

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